Management, Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Acetylcholinesterase as a Biomarker of the Toxic Effects of Pesticides in People Occupationally Exposed


  • Mitar Lutovac University Nikola Tesla, Belgrade
  • Olga V. Popova Southern Federal University
  • Zoran Jovanovic High School Dositej Obradovic, Belgrade
  • Hatidza Berisa Military Academy, Belgrade
  • Radoman Kristina High Medical School, Podgorica
  • Sonja Ketin University of Novi Sad, Square Dositeja Obradovica 6, 21000, Novi Sad
  • Marko Bojic Privredna Akademija Novi Sad, Novi Sad



Toxic effects, Pesticides, Organophosphorus compounds, Occupational exposure


AIM: The paper presents research on the most common causes of exposure that leads to disorders of cholinesterase activity, as well as an overview of the results of cholinesterase activity with the poisoned people.

MATERIAL AND METHODS: In a group of 35 acute poisoned patients by organophosphate compounds has led to inhibition of AchE. A total number of examined workers are 175 in the chemical industry and agricultural production in the area of Rasina District-Serbia.

RESULTS: The results showed that among workers who are constantly exposed to pesticides, acetylcholinesterase is within the reference value. Having examined the medical records of these workers, it is noted that, at 72%, there is a slight fall of AchE activity, each year. The workers who had been exposed to pesticides at the time of testing had acetylcholinesterase regarding reference value, but 52% of them had a few years ago significantly reduced the value of the activity of acetylcholinesterase, which was treated and then transferred to other jobs. The 48% of these workers had acetylcholinesterase regarding benchmarks or were transferred to other jobs, for a variety of other health problems.

CONCLUSION: Using each pesticide should only deal with people who are well versed in the way of its use, as well as the way of protecting them from poisoning.


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How to Cite

Lutovac M, Popova OV, Jovanovic Z, Berisa H, Kristina R, Ketin S, Bojic M. Management, Diagnostic and Prognostic Significance of Acetylcholinesterase as a Biomarker of the Toxic Effects of Pesticides in People Occupationally Exposed. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2017 Dec. 1 [cited 2024 Apr. 19];5(7):1021-7. Available from:



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