OAMJMS was included in Europe PMC
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences (OAMJMS) was included in Europe PMC (http://europepmc.org/search?page=1&query=JOURNAL:%22Open+Access+Macedonian+Journal+of+Medical+Sciences%22&restrict=All+results).
The core mission of Europe PMC (http://europepmc.org) is to build open, full-text scientific literature resources and support innovation by engaging users, enabling contributors and integrating related research data.
Europe PMC does this primarily by providing access and adding value to over 29 million abstracts and 3 million full-text articles. Europe PMC is a partner in PMC International (PMCi), along with PMC USA and PMC Canada (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/about/pmci/), which means that full-text content is shared by and available from any of these three nodes. The main Europe PMC database is hosted at EMBL-EBI, where this core full-text collection is extended with all PubMed abstracts, selected Agricola abstracts (http://www.ntis.gov/products/agricola.aspx), international patents from the European Patent Office and abstracts from several other smaller sources.
I hope this information will be recognized as an improvement of the quality of the published papers in OAMJMS (http://www.id-press.eu/mjms/index).
We hope that you will select Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences as the outlet for your work and look forward to your next submission.