SciRev-Speeding up scientific knowledge production



SciRev ( offers you the possibility to share your experience with the scientific review process with your colleagues (left search engine) and to select an efficient journal for submitting your manuscripts (right search engine).

Because we would like to increase the quality of the review process, please register and submit review of your article published in Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences ( in the SciRev (

SciRev is a website made by researchers for researchers. The information provided by you and your fellow authors is freely available to the entire research community. In this way we aim to make the scientific review process more transparent. Efficient journals get credits for their efforts to improve their review process and the way they handle manuscripts. Less efficient journals are stimulated to put energy in organizing things better. Researchers can search for a journal with a speedy review procedure and have their papers published earlier. Editors get the opportunity to compare their journal's performance with that of others and to provide information about their journal at our website.

SciRev aims to help science by making the peer review process more efficient. This process is one of the weakest links in the process of scientific knowledge production. Valuable papers may spent several months to over a year at reviewers' desks and editorial offices before a decision is taken. This is a serious time loss in a process that in other respects has become much more efficient in the last decades. SciRev helps speeding up this process by making it more transparent. Researchers get the possibility to share their review experiences with their colleagues, who therefore can make a better informed choice for a journal to submit their work to. Journals that manage to set up a more efficient review process and which handle manuscripts better are rewarded for this and may attract more and better manuscripts.


Prof. Dr Mirko Spiroski,
Open Access Macedonian Journal of Medical Sciences
Mobile: +389 70255155