Overview of the Current Situation and Challenges about Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorders in the Republic of Macedonia
neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders, unmet need, challenges, Devic disease, neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD)Abstract
BACKGROUND: Neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders (NMOSD) are rare, progressive inflammatory disorders of the central nervous system characterized by severe, immune-mediated demyelination targeting optic nerves and spinal cord. Prior establishment of diagnostic criteria, patients were often misdiagnosed which led to delayed/inappropriate treatment and disability. Current practice involving immunotherapies is insufficient. Recent data are encouraging since the novel treatments allow effective prevention.
AIM: The primary objective was to evaluate the current situation to identify challenges and develop intervention that might improve the current state as secondary objectives.
METHODS: Standard questionnaire containing 22 questions was developed. Collected data were analyzed and descriptive report was created.
RESULTS: Current estimated prevalence is approximately 20 NMOSD patients; trend is unknown due unavailability of patient registry. Six neurologists from one health-care institution are responsible for the whole management. Despite physician’s insufficient experience, ~80% of them are willing to switch patients into innovative treatments once available. Aquaporin-4-IgG testing is not routinely available resulting in ~30% testing rate. Approximately 80–90% of patients are on maintenance treatment with immunosuppressant, corticosteroids are used for acute relapse. Lack of novel innovative medications is evident.
CONCLUSION: Current NMOSD management is challenging with significant unmet needs. Highest priorities that might provide improvement are: APQ4-IgG testing availability, establishment of patient registry, and availability of novel treatments.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Ivan Barbov, Nikolina Tanovska, Igor Kuzmanovski, Tatjana Boshkova-Petkovska, Aleksandar Smokovski (Author)

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