The Impact of Posyandu Cadre Training on the IYCF-Related Knowledge, Attitudes, and Communication Skills
Cadre training, the role of posyandu cadres, family empowerment, complementary feeding, baby feeding patternsAbstract
BACKGROUND: Undernutrition, malnutrition, and stunting all have a detrimental effect on the developing newborn. Nutzritional problems are prevented when the mother and family provide proper nutrition, which involves assistance from the community. Support from the community must be established through the empowerment of posyandu cadres who educate and motivate mothers and families about proper infant and young child feeding (IYCF).
AIM: The study’s objective was to assess the impact of complementary feeding training on infant feeding patterns.
METHODS: The study employed an incomparable control group. The sample consists of 50 currently active posyandu cadres (25 persons in the intervention group and 25 persons in the control group). Analysis was performed using the t test, independent t test, Wilcoxon, and Mann–Whitney test.
RESULTS: Significant changes in knowledge, attitudes, and communication abilities were discovered between cadres who received training (intervention group) and those who did not (control group) before to and during the intervention. Cadres who have been taught have a significant impact on baby feeding practices.
CONCLUSION: It was recommended that health cadres be included into health promotion activities, particularly IYCF for women and families.
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