A Systematic Review on Hospital’s Patient Satisfaction and Loyalty in Indonesia
Satisfaction, Loyalty, Hospital, Patient, Quality of serviceAbstract
Background: Customer loyalty is identified as a critical component of a company's success and profitability including in hospitals. Customer loyalty can only be accomplished if the company can provide high-quality services. The purpose of this study was to understand the influence or factors behind patient loyalty. Methods: Systematic literature review methods were used to process articles found in various journals and databases such as Elsevier, NCBI, Lancet, Springer, Nature, Taylor and Francis, ProQuest, Emerald, JSTOR, Web of Science, and GARUDA SINTA (the Science and Technology Index of expertise in Indonesia). Results: The initial search resulted in 1.174 (1 duplicated) and 1.173 were screened based on title and abstract. Finally, 29 articles were included for review regarding inclusion and exclusion criteria. The finding shows that concern for medical staff, perceived value, price, trust, treatment effectiveness, Service Quality, Interaction, Infrastructure, Process, and brand image, consequently affect patient satisfaction and loyalty. Those factors as an intervening variable in patient loyalty. Conclusion: In general, hospital health workers' competency, tangible factors (facilities), communication, punctuality in work (responsiveness), patient waiting time (facility satisfaction and responsiveness), queuing system, drug availability (price factor, facility satisfaction), providing information to clients (trust and communication, guarantees), equal treatment for uninsured patients, and complaint system for clients (Hospital Image) impact patient loyalty directly or indirectly.
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