Inhibition of Microencapsulated Liquid Smoke on the Foodborne Pathogens and Histamine-Forming Bacterias’ Growth in Tuna Loin Sashimi

Inhibition of Liquid Smoke Microencapsulation


  • Henny Adeleida Dien Department of Fishery Products Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia
  • Roike Iwan Montolalu Department of Fishery Products Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia
  • Feny Mentang Department of Fishery Products Technology, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Science, Sam Ratulangi University, Manado, Indonesia
  • Siegfried Berhimpon Department of Fishery Products Technology, Artha Wacana Christian University, Kupang, Indonesia
  • Fahrul Nurkolis Department of Biological Sciences, State Islamic University of Sunan Kalijaga (UIN Sunan Kalijaga Yogyakarta), Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Marine Sciences, microbes, Liquid smoke, Tuna loin, microencapsulation, pathogenic, histamine, food sciences


Sashimi, a unique and simple fresh fish dish, is commonly served at a restaurant or as a family dinner in Japan. Because sashimi was created from fresh tuna loin, it is easily ruined by spoilage germs and pathogens, particularly when served without ice. Apart from ice, new preservatives must be investigated to avoid pathogenic and histamine-producing microorganisms. Liquid smoke (LS) contains antimicrobial chemicals including organic acids, carbonyl, and phenols from pyrolyzing coconut shells. However, because the evidence of physicochemical features of LS is scarce, research into liquid smoke microencapsulation is required. The researchers wanted to figure out how liquid smoke microencapsulation (LSM) is made, how effective it is against harmful germs, and how much total histamine is present in LSM-coated sashimi maintained at room temperature. Histamine content, antibacterial inhibitory activity, total microbial count (TPC) of Salmonella and E. coli, water content, and pH level were tested. According to the findings, LSM with maltodextrin: sago flour: 1% LS ratio of 10: 1: 5 efficiently prevented E. coli and Salmonella development and reduced histamine level in sashimi refrigerated for 6 days in the refrigerator.


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How to Cite

Dien HA, Montolalu RI, Mentang F, Berhimpon S, Nurkolis F. Inhibition of Microencapsulated Liquid Smoke on the Foodborne Pathogens and Histamine-Forming Bacterias’ Growth in Tuna Loin Sashimi: Inhibition of Liquid Smoke Microencapsulation. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];10(A):1200-6. Available from: