Participatory Action Research to Co-Design Internet-Based HIV Prevention with Young Men Who Have Sex with Men in HIV Prevention in Bali, Indonesia
HIV prevention, Participatory action research, YMSM, Indonesia, HabermasAbstract
There is increasing awareness of the need to develop innovative and relevant methodologies to best capture the voices of Young Men Who Have Sex with Men (YMSM), which will inform HIV prevention. This article discusses the process of researching with YMSM in Bali, the solution to methodological gaps in research for Internet-based HIV prevention. This research endorsed the Habermas Communicative Action Theory which was then translated to Participatory Action Research (PAR) methodology. Nine YMSM aged 18-24 years old participated in this research through multiple research activities for four months. Data collection included structured group meetings, group workshops, informal participant observations, and after-hour conversations over afternoon tea and shared meals. Participants used a range of visual and digital media to share their collective ideas and different trial strategies. We argue for the opportunity for participatory action research to strengthen the roles of YMSM in HIV prevention.
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