Adolescents’s Perception of Healthy Sexual Behavior: Containing Indonesian’s Philosophy of Life
Healthy sexual behavior, Adolescent, Biopsychosocial-spiritual, Pancasila, IndonesiaAbstract
The construct of healthy sexual behavior needs to consider the context in which the behavior will be applied by examining behavior based on a biopsychosocial-spiritual model approach. This study aims to describe the profile of adolescent healthy sexual behavior containing the Indonesian philosophy of life, both from the biological, psychological, social and spiritual aspects. The research design used was the development of a descriptive method, involving 1855 public and private high school students in the city of Bandung, West Java. Data was revealed by using a questionnaire and processed qualitatively through theme analysis and quantitatively by using Paired Samples Test and Manova.
Based on the data processing, it was revealed that the profile of healthy sexual behavior of adolescents with the status of high school students in the city of Bandung, more than half of them had healthy sexual behavior, but there were still students who had healthy sexual behavior in the medium category and only a small proportion in the low category. Based on the aspects, the general picture of healthy sexual behavior on the physical and spiritual aspects tends to be high, while the psychological and social aspects tend to be moderate. The standard deviation of each school is fairly even, with a range of 0.475 to 0.723. The standard deviation by age with a range of 12 to 20 years varied from 0.524 to a high of 1.491. The standard deviation by class is almost equivalent, i.e. 0.570 to 0.645.
Descriptive data shows that in general counseling teachers have provided sexual guidance services related to adolescent sexual development, dating and gender roles, but none of them have provided guidance on healthy sexual behavior, or vice versa the dangers of homosexual sexual behavior for adolescents. The data also shows that only 1 in 12 Guidance and Counseling teachers or 8.33% have heard and understood sexual guidance containing indigenous values, namely Pancasila as the philosophy of life of the Indonesian nation.
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