Migration Surveillance as a Maintenance Effort of Malaria Elimination Status (Study in Banyumas Regency, Central Java, Indonesia, 2021)
Surveillance, Malaria migration, EliminationAbstract
Background: Banyumas Regency is a malaria-receptive area with the occurrence of imported cases, particularly in sub-districts with the potential for transmission and even extraordinary events. To eliminate malaria in the regency, Migration surveillance is needed. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate implementing a malaria migration surveillance system to maintain its elimination status in Banyumas Regency in 2021.
Method: This qualitative case study was conducted in Banyumas Regency with a total of 9 informants consisting of 2 people from the Health Office, 4 from the Community Health Center, 2 from the Health Laboratory, and 1 village head. Data was collected through Forum Group Discussions, in-depth interviews, and secondary data through document review. This study also adopted content analysis with a thematic network approach.
Result: There are several limitations to implementing malaria migration surveillance, namely the lack of human resources, ineffective implementation of village regulations, and the lack of public awareness in reporting symptoms of malaria. Therefore, comprehensive training, policies socialization, improved partnerships, and application-based village reporting are required to maintain the elimination of migration surveillance.
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