Incidence of Presenting Hepatitis A in the Peja Regional Hospital during 2019–2020


  • Afrim Zeqiraj Department of Biochemistry
  • Zafer Gashi Department of Biochemistry, UBT - Higher Education Institution, Prishtina, Kosovo
  • Shkelzen Elezaj Department of Urology and Infectious Diseases, Regional Hospital of Peja, Peja, Kosovo
  • Dafina Zeqiraj Department of Urology and Infectious Diseases, Regional Hospital of Peja, Peja, Kosovo
  • Melisa Zogaj Department of Biochemistry
  • Florjana Zogaj Department of Biotechnology, University of Prishtina, Prishtina, Kosovo
  • Zenel Shatri Department of Urology and Infectious Diseases, Regional Hospital of Peja, Peja, Kosovo
  • Agim Shabani Department of Chemistry, University of Tetovo, Tetovo, Republic of Macedonia



Hepatitis A, B, C, Hepatitis B virus, Regional hospital


Introduction: Hepatitis is a very common inflammation of the cells of the liver. Hepatitis can be temporary (acute) or long-term (chronic) depending on whether it lasts less than or more than six months. The hepatitis A virus infects humans and some primates and is the cause of infectious hepatitis. Purpose and objectives: Viral hepatitis infections are also present in our country, so the purpose of working on this topic is to expand knowledge in terms of Viral Hepatitis A, Their Epidemiology, and Preventive Measures. Materials and Methods: In the realization of this paper, the method of the literature review was used, in addition, information was presented on the number of patients with viral hepatitis A in the regional hospital of Peja, the Republic of Kosovo for the period 2019/2020. Results: From the results obtained it is clear that the number of patients with Hepatitis A was low and thankfully in non-significant values. However, the fact that the number of Hepatitis B patients is increasing, and especially the increase in the number of Hepatitis C cases, remains a matter of concern, and it is worth noting that care should be taken to prevent the spread of these viruses at a very high rate. Conclusion: Given the risk posed by these infections, the prevention of viral hepatitis requires an organized and ongoing program of education and treatment. Recommended measures for the prevention of viral hepatitis are: Ensuring adequate sanitary and personal hygiene. Drink only water that is controlled, Avoid drinking alcohol, Avoiding any non-particularly recommended medication acetaminophen (Tylenol) and sedatives for 3-12 months because such medications are hepatotoxic, Frequent breaks during the day and a good night's sleep. Eating small, frequent, high-carbohydrate, low-fat meals. Following the guideline for preventing the transmission of the disease to patients and other persons who are not infected, Timely immunization reports all cases of hepatitis to the health department.


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How to Cite

Zeqiraj A, Gashi Z, Elezaj S, Zeqiraj D, Zogaj M, Zogaj F, Shatri Z, Shabani A. Incidence of Presenting Hepatitis A in the Peja Regional Hospital during 2019–2020. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Oct. 31 [cited 2025 Feb. 23];10(B):2482-4. Available from:



Infective Diseases
