Absenteeism and Fluctuation of Nursing Staff in Health-care Settings


  • Jasmina Starc Department of Business, Entrepreneurship and Organisation, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences, University of Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, Slovenia
  • Tanja Regina Fabjan Community Health Centre Novo Mesto, Novo Mesto, Slovenia




Absenteeism, Fluctuation, Absence from work, Sick leave, Personnel movement, Outgoing employees


BACKGROUND: Absenteeism and fluctuation of nursing staff negatively affect the quality of care, increase the costs of health-care facilities, and increase the workload of the remaining nursing staff. To identify which measures can be effective in retaining care staff in the profession and reducing their sickness absence, we need to continuously monitor the organizational climate and update the organizational culture of health-care facilities. In this way, we can identify and mitigate the causes of absenteeism and fluctuation in a timely manner, while at the same time creating working conditions that enable care staff to meet their personal needs, expectations, and goals, leading to a productive working environment and thus to quality healthcare.

AIM: The aim of this study was to identify and analyze the causes and determinants of absenteeism and fluctuation and to define the consequences of absenteeism and fluctuation in healthcare settings.

METHODS: We used a quantitative method. Data were collected with questionnaires and analyzed with Pearson Chi-square test, Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, Shapiro–Wilkov test, and Mann–Whitney U test using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences 24.0.

RESULTS: A survey of nursing staff (n = 178) showed that, apart from annual leave, sickness is the most common reason for absenteeism, but there are no statistically significant differences by gender (χ2  = 2.695; sig. = 0.610). Respondents state that they are absent because they are aware that their own health is an important value (x̄ = 4.0) and that they try to maintain their health as much as possible (x̄ = A good half of them (54%) believe that absenteeism leads to a loss of control at work. The most important influences on turnover are stressful situations (91%), unpleasant situations (83%), and monthly income (73%). Aboput 35% are thinking about changing jobs, with men thinking about it more (R = 72.92) than women  (R=64.19) . About 69% are satisfied with their job security, but more so for those aged 46 and over (R = 66.85) than those under 45 (R = 64.79) .

CONCLUSION: The priority for health organizations should not be to prevent absenteeism, but to create the conditions to ensure that  sickness absence does not occur at all or to the minimum extent possible. Sustained success in improving retention of nursing staff in the profession and thus reducing fluctuation depends on a number of measures such as appropriate financial and non-financial incentives, “family friendly” policies, opportunities for professional development, access to training, productive working conditions, job mobility, and responsive leadership. Particular emphasis should be placed on occupational safety training and the provision of organized seminars and courses on healthy lifestyles. Prolonged overworking of nursing staff puts their mental, physical, and social health at risk, resulting in staff leaving for other jobs.


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How to Cite

Starc J, Fabjan TR. Absenteeism and Fluctuation of Nursing Staff in Health-care Settings. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2023 May 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];11(E):326-37. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/11653



Public Health Disease Control
