Giant Incisional Hernia: Which Treatment? Case Report and Review of Literature


  • Danilo Coco Department of General Surgery, Ospedali Riuniti Marche Nord, Pesaro, Italy
  • Silvana Leanza Department of General Surgery, Carlo Urbani Hospital, Jesi (Ancona), Italy



“Giant, incisional hernia, loss of domain, huge hernia, treatment”


BACKGROUND: Incisional hernias are one of the most common complications developing in 3.8–11.5% after abdominal surgery. The management of giant incisional hernia (GIH) with loss of abdominal domain remains a surgical challenge with a high recurrence rate of 30%, elevated comorbidity and a mortality rate between 0% and 5%.

CASE REPORT: A 70-year-old woman presented at our emergency room with a 24 h history of abdominal bloating. She had severe comorbidities and GIH with loss of domain (LOD). Abdominal _TC scan demonstrated a GIH about 10 × 11 cm, associated with colon and ileus with “LOD.”

CONCLUSION: Different risk factors are important for developing an incisional hernia as old age, vascular disease, diabetes, obesity, renal failure, hepatic disease, protein deficiency, immunosuppression, and smoking. Surgical treatment should be centralized to discuss every case with a multidisciplinary team (general surgeon, plastic surgeon, and radiologist).


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How to Cite

Coco D, Leanza S. Giant Incisional Hernia: Which Treatment? Case Report and Review of Literature. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Apr. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];8(C):23-6. Available from:



Case Report in Surgery
