Morphological Changes in the Hepatic Tissue at the Impact of Industrial Copper-bearing Dust in the Experiment


  • Khamida R. Abdikadirova Department of Pathology, Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”, Nutrition and Hygiene, Morphology and Physiology, Gogol 40, Karaganda 1000008, Kazakhstan
  • Kymbat Ye. Amreyeva Department of Pathology, Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”, Nutrition and Hygiene, Morphology and Physiology, Gogol 40, Karaganda 1000008, Kazakhstan
  • Saule B. Zhautikova Department of Pathology, Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”, Nutrition and Hygiene, Morphology and Physiology, Gogol 40, Karaganda 1000008, Kazakhstan
  • Olga A. Kostyleva Department of Pathology, Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”, Nutrition and Hygiene, Morphology and Physiology, Gogol 40, Karaganda 1000008, Kazakhstan
  • Fatima S. Abikenova Department of Pathology, Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”, Nutrition and Hygiene, Morphology and Physiology, Gogol 40, Karaganda 1000008, Kazakhstan
  • Bibigul T. Chergizova Department of Pathology, Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”, Nutrition and Hygiene, Morphology and Physiology, Gogol 40, Karaganda 1000008, Kazakhstan
  • Yulia P. Talaspekova Department of Pathology, Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”, Nutrition and Hygiene, Morphology and Physiology, Gogol 40, Karaganda 1000008, Kazakhstan
  • Saule Sh. Atshabarova Department of Pathology, Non-Profit Joint-Stock Company “Karaganda Medical University”, Nutrition and Hygiene, Morphology and Physiology, Gogol 40, Karaganda 1000008, Kazakhstan



Polymetallic dust, Copper, Liver, Hepatocyte, Morphology, Morphometry


BACKGROUND: It is known that an increased intake of copper (Cu) has an adverse effect, and above all leads to the defeat of parenchymal organs, including liver tissue.

AIM: This study the morphological changes in the hepatic tissue at the impact of polymetallic Cu dust.

METHODS: An experimental study was carried out on the outbred white male rats. Dust was injected once intratracheally at a dose of 50 mg. For dynamic observation, the animals were killed in 1, 3, and 6 months with the control group using instant decapitation. The Balkhash industrial polymetallic dust with a predominant Cu content (Cu-0.6%) was used for the study. Morphological changes were assessed using histological and morphometric methods.

RESULTS: Morphometric examination of liver tissue at 30 days showed Vv necrosis increasing in 320 times in Group 2 (p < 0.001), Vv infiltrates – in 121 times (p < 0.001), Vv dystrophic altered hepatocytes – in 19.91 times (p < 0.001), Vv dual-core cells – in 23 times (p < 0.01), and Vv fibrosis – in 2.82 times (p < 0.001) in comparison with Group 1. Vv portal tracts are not reliably changed. In 90 days, there were also the following morphometric parameters increasing in comparison with the control group: Vv necrosis – in 522 times (p < 0.001), Vv infiltrates – in 395 times (p < 0.001), Vv dystrophic altered hepatocytes – in 26.7 times (p < 0.001), Vv dual-core cells – in 314 times (p < 0.01), and Vv fibrosis – in 13.27 times (p < 0.001). On the 180 day of the experiment, there was the increasing of Vv infiltrates in 421 times (p < 0.001), Vv dystrophic altered hepatocytes – in 34.09 times (p < 0.001), Vv dual-core cells – in 411 times (p < 0.001), and Vv fibrosis – in 54.09 times (p < 0.001)

CONCLUSION: The impact of polymetallic dust with 0.6% Cu concentration at the early stages leads to the changes in the liver in the form of reactive hepatitis with the following transformation into portal-type hepatitis.


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How to Cite

Abdikadirova KR, Amreyeva KY, Zhautikova SB, Kostyleva OA, Abikenova FS, Chergizova BT, Talaspekova YP, Atshabarova SS. Morphological Changes in the Hepatic Tissue at the Impact of Industrial Copper-bearing Dust in the Experiment. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];8(E):653-6. Available from:



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