Antibacterial Activity Tests of N-hexane, Ethyl Acetate, and Methanol Leaves (Vitex) Extract (pinnata) against Streptococcus mutans
Laban leaves (Vitex pinnata), Antibacterial, Streptococcus mutansAbstract
BACKGROUND: Vitex pinnata is known as Laban, which is a medicinal plant used traditionally for generations to generations. Laban leaf extract with various concentrations has antibacterial activity. Laban leaf extract is known to inhibit the formation of Streptococcus mutant in human teeth.
AIM: To exam, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum kill concentration (KBM) extract Laban leaves (V. pinnata) as an antibacterial against Streptococcus mutants.
METHODS: This research was purely experimental research with design randomized pretest-posttest and control group. The study was conducted at the Laboratory Microbiology Faculty of Animal Health, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, from March to June 2019. The sample of this study was the Laban leaf from the Aceh Besar geothermal area. This research included preparation raw materials, chemical characterization of raw materials, determination of minimum and maximum components mixture, determining the optimum formula based on the best inhibitory potential, inhibitory testing antibacterial, standardized test, and test (one-way ANOVA).
RESULTS: MIC of n-hexane extract showed the results of calculations; the percentage of bacterial inhibition was at a MIC of 1.56% on average colony −1.45 CFU/ml. In ethyl acetate extract, the MIC was 0.20% on the average colony −0.17 CFU/ml. The methanol extract can inhibit bacteria at the smallest concentration of 0.05% average colony −1.48 CFU/ml. Methanol extract inhibits bacteria more quickly. Concentration results minimum kill was 1.56%, 0.78%, 0.39%, 0.20%, 0.10%, and 0.05%. The smallest concentration of extract (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol) can kill Streptococcus mutans bacteria that are marked in the absence of bacterial colonies on microbiological growth media.
CONCLUSION: Extracts of n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol from Laban leaves have inhibitory activity on the growth of S. mutans bacteria. The smallest concentration of extract (n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol) is able to kill S. mutans bacteria.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Cut A. Nuraskin, Marlina Marlina, R. Idroes, C. Soraya, Djufri Djufri (Author)
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