Epidemiological Characteristics of Great Depression Diseases of Hospitalized Patients in Psychiatric Hospital “Negorci” for a Five-Year Period From 2013 to 2017


  • Iliev Biljana Phd.candidate, specialist doctor Psychiatrist
  • Dimitar Bonevski
  • Andromahi Naumovska




Severe depression, Cognitive function, Affectivity, Mental illness


BACKGROUND: Severe depression beside the pathological mood also denotes the cognitive, perceptual, and motor activities that are psychopathologically related to the scope of all psychic dynamics, which means cognitive, conative, and emotional. This mental illness covers a large area of the affective life of a man with a wide range of severe depression classified by ICD-10 – F32, F32.2, and F32.3 . With retrospective approach to research from medical history collects data on biological and social factors that have a positive or negative effect on the onset and course of severe depression.

AIM: The research aims to determine the total number of patients with severe depression treated

in hospital conditions in the Psychiatric Hospital “Negorci” – Negorci for a period of 5 years from 2013 to 2017 to get a clear picture of the factors and specific predictors that lead to the development of severe depression.

METHODS: Within the research methods, all the parameters contained are calculated so that it can be concluded that the predictors influence and differ from other stakeholders responsible for etiopathogenesis, although they have a mutual influence.

RESULTS: According to the current study, patients with severe depression were found to have an increased frequency between 45 and 62 years. The mean age of the respondents was 52.14 years. According to the level of education, the majority (49%) of the patients have completed primary education and the least with higher education, i.e., only 2 (3.1%).

CONCLUSION: From the obtained data, it was obtained the scope of the influence of sociodemographic data on the occurrence of severe depression and sequelae of the disease.


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How to Cite

Biljana I, Bonevski D, Naumovska A. Epidemiological Characteristics of Great Depression Diseases of Hospitalized Patients in Psychiatric Hospital “Negorci” for a Five-Year Period From 2013 to 2017. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 May 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];8(E):150-4. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/3642



Public Health Epidemiology
