Psychophysiological Status and Life Quality in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome Living in Central Kazakhstan


  • Berik Koichubekov Department of Informatics and Biostatistics, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Marina Sorokina Department of Informatics and Biostatistics, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Ilya Korshukov Department of Informatics and Biostatistics, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Riszhan Bakirova
  • Ernur Bekov
  • Nazgul Omarbekova Department of Informatics and Biostatistics, Karaganda Medical University, Karaganda, Republic of Kazakhstan



Metabolic syndrome, Heart rate variability, Functional activity of central nervous system, State and trait anxiety, Quality of life


BACKGROUND: Morbidity rate of circulatory system diseases (CSD) in Kazakhstan continues to grow and the metabolic syndrome (MetS) contributes significantly to cardiovascular risk development. It was known that MetS altered autonomic nervous system (ANS) by decreasing parasympathetic activity and global heart rate variability (HRV), at the same time, the decrease in sympathetic modulation is unclear. Studies investigated associations between anxiety and MetS disorders are rather controversial. Research findings of the MetS influence on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) were also contradictory. The above-mentioned justifies the necessity of research to clarify and deepen the MetS etiology and pathogenesis, as well as to improve its diagnostics efficiency and treatment.

AIM: The research goals were to study psychophysiological status and HRQoL in individuals with MetS living in Central Kazakhstan.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Three hundred MetS patients were examined in Karaganda city clinical hospital. Statistical methods and spectral analysis of HRV, simple visual-motor reaction (SVMR), the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, and the Lüscher color test were used. SF-36 questionnaire was used for HRQoL assessment.

RESULTS: General decrease in the activity of both sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of ANS was observed in MetS patients. More than half of the examined MetS patients have had a high level of trait anxiety. Most MetS patients have had a low level of the central nervous system (CNS) functional activity. MetS patients are active both in physical and social spheres. Bodily pain syndrome greatly influences MetS patients’ life quality. The patients evaluate their health level as being low.

CONCLUSION: Individuals with MetS living in Central Kazakhstan had decreased activity of ANS, prevalence of inhibition processes in CNS, high level of trait anxiety, and bodily pain syndrome affecting life quality.


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How to Cite

Koichubekov B, Sorokina M, Korshukov I, Bakirova R, Bekov E, Omarbekova N. Psychophysiological Status and Life Quality in Individuals with Metabolic Syndrome Living in Central Kazakhstan. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 May 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];8(B):463-9. Available from: