American Orthopedic Foot-and-Ankle Society Score, Where Are We Now? – A Narrative Review of Quality of Life Measures in Foot-and-Ankle Surgery


  • Jonathan James D'souza Warrington and Halton NHS Trust, Lovely Ln, Warrington WA5 1QG, United Kingdom





BACKGROUND: The American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society (AOFAS) score is the mostly widely used quality of life index for foot-and-ankle pathologies. However, there are many shortcomings of the QOL index with respect to validity, reliability, and responsiveness.

AIM: The narrative review will examine the AOFAS scoring system and review the outcome measure using the GRADE tool for quality of outcome measure.

CONCLUSIONS: Clinicians and researchers should cease using the AOFAS score as it is not a reliable tool. However, the recommendations suggested in this article can be used to upgrade the quality of the scoring system.


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How to Cite

D’souza JJ. American Orthopedic Foot-and-Ankle Society Score, Where Are We Now? – A Narrative Review of Quality of Life Measures in Foot-and-Ankle Surgery. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Jun. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];8(F):133-6. Available from:



Narrative Review Article
