Use of Biomaterials for Periodontal Regeneration: A Review
Periodontal disease, Biomaterials, Bio-Oss, Platelet-rich fibrin, 4MATRIXAbstract
BACKGROUND: Management of bone periodontal defects, destruction, and loss of the alveolar bone is considered a challenge for modern periodontal regeneration and implant dentistry. Numerous of biomaterials are being used in periodontal regenerative treatment.
AIM: This study aims to know the characteristics of biomaterials and their efficiency in periodontal surgical treatment as regenerative therapy.
METHODS: A systematic review of the literature considering reviews, clinical studies, original papers, and articles from electronic data has been used.
RESULTS: Different biomaterials such as Straumann® Emdogain®, Geistlich Bio-Oss®, MIS 4MATRIX – Bone Graft, Platelet-rich fibrin (PRF), Mis Bone-4MATRIX, and PRF are being used for periodontal regeneration treatment, hence revealing more effective outcomes when combined. PRP together with conventional grafting procedures may be a beneficial treatment approach, guided tissue regeneration with bioabsorbable membranes in combination with Bio-Oss are stable on a long-term basis.
CONCLUSION: Biomaterials being used in periodontal surgical treatment have the different regenerative ability. The combined use of biomaterials might result in a better clinical outcome. There are also a number of other biomaterials used to treat periodontal regeneration, but generally all have the same ability and the same molecular structure as highlighted in this literature review.
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