Regional Features in Evaluating Nutrition and Health Conditions of Children and Adolescents


  • Dariya Doskabulova Department of Hygienic Disciplines with Occupational Diseases, West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan, Asia
  • Arstan Mamyrbaev Department of Hygienic Disciplines with Occupational Diseases, West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan, Asia
  • Artashes Tadevosyan Department of Public Health and Health Organization, Yerevan State Medical University after Mkhitar Heratsi, Yerevan, Armenia, Asia
  • Perizat Aitmaganbet Department of Hygienic Disciplines with Occupational Diseases, West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan, Asia
  • Nurgul Alekenova Department of Academic Work, West Kazakhstan Marat Ospanov Medical University, Aktobe, Kazakhstan, Asia



eating behavior, breakfast, fruits, vegetables, children, adolescents


BACKGROUND: The frequency of breakfast consumption as a determinant of fruit and vegetable intake among children and adolescents has been poorly investigated.

AIM: In this article, we examine whether irregular food intake is associated with fruit and vegetable intake among children and adolescents.

METHODS: We use a separate analysis, with special attention being paid to the potentially changing effects of gender and age. The methodology of health behavior in school-aged children is used.

RESULTS: The obtained results show that irregular breakfast consumption among children and adolescents is associated with a low frequency of fruit and vegetable intake and that gender and age can play a decisive role. Various associations observed in different age and gender groups indicate the importance of a separate analysis of fruit and vegetable intake and types of food.

CONCLUSION: The results emphasize the importance of encouraging regular food intake while trying to increase fruit and vegetable intake among children and adolescents.


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How to Cite

Doskabulova D, Mamyrbaev A, Tadevosyan A, Aitmaganbet P, Alekenova N. Regional Features in Evaluating Nutrition and Health Conditions of Children and Adolescents. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Aug. 10 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];8(E):488-93. Available from:



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