The Effectiveness of Oxytocin and Marmet Massage on Increased Prolactin Hormone for Smooth Breastfeeding in Postpartum Mothers in Langsa City Health Office, Indonesia

The Effectiveness of Oxytocin and Marmet Massage on Increased Prolactin Hormone for Smooth Breastfeeding in Postpartum Mothers in Langsa City Health Office,indonesia


  • Emilda Emilda Department of Midwifery, Ministry of Health, Polytechnic of Langsa, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Juliastuti Juliastuti Department of Midwifery, Polytechnic of Health, Ministry of Health, Aceh, Indonesia



Oxytocin, Marmet Massage, Breastfeeding, Postpartum Mothers


BACKGROUND: One of the causes of the disruption to the achievement of exclusive breastfeeding is the decrease in milk production experienced by nursing mothers. It is believed that the prolactin hormone and the mother’s perception of breast milk are inadequate. One effort to increase the prolactin hormone is by massaging techniques. This technique has been used by various people in the world for both medical treatment and health care.

AIM: The purpose of this study was to analyze the differences in the effectiveness of Oxytocin and Marble Massage on Prolactin Hormone levels for smooth breast milk in postpartum women in the working areas of Langsa City Health Centre.

METHODS: A quasi-experimental design method prospective cohort was used with no control group design. Giving oxytocin massage treatment and Mamet massage for prolactin hormone levels for smooth milk. The sample was selected of 32 postpartum mothers who were divided into two groups. The number of samples for each group was 16 postpartum mothers per group. Data analysis used the T-independent statistical test approach for bivariate analysis and multivariate analysis.

RESULTS: The results showed that the highest prolactin hormone level in the Massage method was 1178.0 ƞg/ml and the highest prolactin hormone level was 357.9 ƞg/ml, the highest was 357.9 ƞg/ml. The mean prolactin hormone level in the oxytocin massage group was 195.694 ƞg/ml and in the Mamet group was 538.195 ƞg/ml. The average level of the prolactin hormone by the oxytocin massage method was 195.6 ƞg/ml with Std. deviation 106.8 ƞg/ml while the average method for Mamet massage is 538.9 ƞg/ml with Std. deviation 269.6 ƞg/ml. The results of the statistical test Independent T-test obtained Prolactin Hormone Levels for the Smooth ASI value of p = 0.000, then it can be concluded that there are significant differences between the oxytocin and Mamet massage methods.

CONCLUSION: There is a significant difference between the oxytocin massage method and Mamet to increase levels of the hormone prolactin in postpartum mothers.


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How to Cite

Emilda E, Juliastuti J. The Effectiveness of Oxytocin and Marmet Massage on Increased Prolactin Hormone for Smooth Breastfeeding in Postpartum Mothers in Langsa City Health Office, Indonesia: The Effectiveness of Oxytocin and Marmet Massage on Increased Prolactin Hormone for Smooth Breastfeeding in Postpartum Mothers in Langsa City Health Office,indonesia. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Sep. 14 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];8(E):578-81. Available from:



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