A Review on Novel Coronavirus Outbreak: Current Scenario of Bangladesh


  • Niuz Morshed Khan Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering Discipline, Life Science School, Khulna University, Khulna, Bangladesh
  • Nirmal Chandra Barman Department of Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Islamic University, Kushtia, Bangladesh




Bangladesh, Coronavirus, Coronavirus Disease-19, Middle East respiratory syndrome, Potential treatments, SERS


Coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 outbreak was the first time experienced in Wuhan City, China, at the end of December 2019 which spreads rapidly in China and then worldwide approximately all countries of America, Europe, Australia, and Asia including Bangladesh. There are more than 1,039,135 mortalities and 35,207,771 people have been affected globally until October 4, 2020, and the figure is still increasing. The global information on the COVID-19 case was collected from a reliable database (worldometers.info) and domestic information was taken from the government circulating websites and analyzed. Different steps have been taken to control the COVID-19 worldwide. Even with few resources, Bangladesh also has taken rigorous measures such as designed special hospitals, laboratories, quarantine facilities, social distance awareness campaigns, and lockdown to control the spreading of the virus. As Bangladesh is an overpopulated country and vast population lives under the poverty line, it was difficult to maintain a strict lockdown to curb the COVID-19. In this study, we have focused the government efforts to combat this deadly pneumonia and presented recent situations and challenges of Bangladesh. We compiled general treatments, COVID-19 specific treatments, and antiviral treatments should be prescribed in fighting COVID-19. We suggest certain nutritional elements and natural products which can boost up the immunity of individuals and protect from the infection of this virus. The review was undertaken to synopsis the recent conditions, challenges of Bangladesh arise after the COVID-19 pandemic and summarize certain possible intervention options for management of COVID-19.


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How to Cite

Khan NM, Barman NC. A Review on Novel Coronavirus Outbreak: Current Scenario of Bangladesh. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];8(T1):314-2. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/5171