The Legal Responsibility of the Doctor on the Family’s Demand to Stop the Treatment of the Terminal Patient that Causes Death
The legal liability, Physician, PatientAbstract
AIM: This study aims to determine the responsibility of the doctor and the patient’s right to medical health services and to analyze the termination of the treatment to the terminal patient, as well as to analyze the form of legal liability of the doctor related to discontinuation of the treatment that causes death. The research is a normative-empirical approach.
METHOD: The method was qualitative descriptive.
RESULTS: The results showed that the legal liability between the doctor’s responsibility and the right of patient in medical health care was private as well as public that subject to the legal regime of health. The form of legal relationship between doctors and patients was an agreement known as the medical consent (informed consent). Determination of an error by a doctor on the discontinuation of the treatment of patients at the request of the family on terminal patient that causes death was determined by several indicators such as the severity of an error, the medical discipline through medical error, and unprofessional behavior. In the criminal law, a doctor was determined guilty by actus reus and mens rea.
CONCLUSION: The responsibility of the doctor on the discontinuation of the treatment of patients at the request of the family on terminal patient that causes death was professional responsibility, among others, the ethical responsibility (referred to objective theory) and the discipline responsibility (referred to mix theory) MKEK and MKDKI would sue the medical profession on legal liability (criminal) referred to the theory of retaliation, however, the judge would confirm the sentence to the doctor.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Indar Indar, Slamet Sampurno, Samriah Samriah, Alwy Arifin, Anwar Mallongi, Yusri Abadi, Nurhayani Nurhayani (Author)
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