Overview of Helicobacter pylori Detection Using Rapid Urease Test and Giemsa Modification Staining in Chronic Tonsillitis Patients


  • Ade Asyari Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
  • Ferdy Azman Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
  • Novialdi Novialdi Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
  • Aziz Djamal Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
  • Hafni Bachtiar Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia
  • Yayan Akhyar Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia




Chronic tonsillitis, Helicobacter pylori, Rapid urease test, Giemsa modification staining


BACKGROUND: Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) is a Gram-negative bacteria and has been known for its role in causing gastric infection aused diseases such as gastric ulcer. H. pylori also implied to play a role in chronic tonsillitis, but this theory remains controversial. Many researches have different and contradictory results due to difficulty to accurately detect H. pylori in tonsillar tissue. There is still no appropriate method that able to detect H. pylori in tonsil tissue.

AIM: The aim of the study was to detect H. pylori colonization in chronic tonsillitis and understand some of the methods of examination that can be done to detect H. pylori in tonsillar tissue.

METHODS: This study is a descriptive study conducted on 25 respondents. Each sample was taken from patients with chronic tonsillitis who underwent tonsillectomy. Then, the rapid urease test (RUT) and the Giemsa modification staining were carried out to determine the presence of H. pylori.

RESULTS: There were 19 people (76%) positive and 6 people (24%) negative for H. pylori using RUT. On examination with Giemsa modification staining obtained 19 people (76%) positive and 6 people (24%) negative for H. pylori.

CONCLUSION: H. pylori can be found in most of chronic tonsillitis. Combination RUT and Giemsa modification staining examination can be a good option in detecting H. pylori in chronic tonsillitis.


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How to Cite

Asyari A, Azman F, Novialdi N, Djamal A, Bachtiar H, Akhyar Y. Overview of Helicobacter pylori Detection Using Rapid Urease Test and Giemsa Modification Staining in Chronic Tonsillitis Patients. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 19 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];8(B):1105-9. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/5244



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