Coronavirus Disease-19 Quarantine Experience in the Middle East Region: Emotional Status, Health Patterns, and Self-efficacy Survey


  • Rasha Mohammed Hussien Department of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt
  • Mahmoud Abdul Hameed Shahin Department of Nursing, Al-Ghad International Colleges for Applied Medical Sciences, Qassim, Saudi Arabia



Coronavirus, Coronavirus disease-19, Emotional status, Psychological distress, Quarantine, Self-efficacy


BACKGROUND: The coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 pandemic can provoke anxiety, stress, sadness, and fear; therefore, the timely assessment of individual psychological health status is urgently necessary for society.

AIM: The aim of the study was to assess the emotional states (depression, anxiety, and stress), functional health patterns, and self-efficacy among individuals from Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia during the home quarantine experience associated with COVID-19.

METHODS: A descriptive and cross-sectional research design was applied to a convenience sample that included 704 participants from Egypt, Jordan, and Saudi Arabia. Data collection was performed in April 2020, using a self-administered questionnaire that consisted of a sociodemographic data sheet, the Depression, Anxiety, Stress Scale (DASS), a functional health pattern survey, and the General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES).

RESULTS: Overall, the sample was found to have mild-level DASS scores, with significantly higher scores identified for Egyptian participants compared with those from other countries. In contrast, participants from Egypt presented significantly reduced GSES scores than those from other countries. Higher mean DASS scores were identified among females, participants who reported inappropriate housing conditions and participants who were unemployed, young, widowed, and school-educated. A high mean DASS score was significantly associated with reported disturbances in sleep, sexuality, and social communication, work schedule changes, the inability to concentrate on positive thoughts, the inability to empty their brains of daily thoughts, and not caring about regular interactions with family. Increased mean GSES scores were significantly associated with males, participants who reported appropriate housing conditions, participants who live alone, are older, married, hold higher education degrees, and who are employed with sufficient incomes, whereas lower mean GSES scores were significantly associated with participants who reported engaging in regular exercise, experiencing disturbances in sexuality and social communications, and reduced appetites. However, a significant inverse correlation was detected between the mean DASS and GSES scores, with significant positive correlations among the DASS.

CONCLUSION: The COVID-19 quarantine was associated with a mild level of depression stress and normal anxiety levels, with higher psychological distress and lower self-efficacy identified among participants from Egypt. The emotional status of individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic should be explored further, and awareness programs, designed to address the psychological effects of quarantine, should be promoted, through mass media and other means, with consideration of the effects on the general population, COVID-19 cases, individuals with close contacts with COVID-19 cases, and health-care professionals.


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Author Biography

Rasha Mohammed Hussien, Department of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt




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How to Cite

Hussien R, Shahin MAH. Coronavirus Disease-19 Quarantine Experience in the Middle East Region: Emotional Status, Health Patterns, and Self-efficacy Survey. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 22 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];8(T1):330-45. Available from: