Chemical Mutagenesis and Cytogenetic Chromosomal Abnormalities in a Population Living in the Aral Sea region


  • Zhanbol Sabirov The scientific-research sanitary-hygienic laboratory of the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health, NC JSC “MUK”, Karagandy, Kazakhstan; Department of Physiology, NC JSC Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova, Karagandy, Kazakhstan
  • Zulkiya Namazbaeva The scientific-research sanitary-hygienic laboratory of the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health, NC JSC “MUK”, Karagandy, Kazakhstan
  • Sharbanu Battakova The scientific-research sanitary-hygienic laboratory of the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health, NC JSC “MUK”, Karagandy, Kazakhstan
  • Maral Otarbayeva The scientific-research sanitary-hygienic laboratory of the Institute of Public Health and Professional Health, NC JSC “MUK”, Karagandy, Kazakhstan
  • Manara Mukasheva Department of Physiology, NC JSC Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova, Karagandy, Kazakhstan
  • Aliya Eshmagambetova Department of Physiology, NC JSC Karaganda University named after Academician E.A. Buketova, Karagandy, Kazakhstan



DNA, Chromosomal aberrations, Heavy metals, Genotoxicity, Mutagenesis, Ecology, Aral sea region


AIM: The article presents the results of a study of chromosomal mutations in residents living in the Aral Sea disaster zone, using the example of the city of Aralsk.

METHODS: The article identifies the level of chromosomal aberrations (CA) in the surveyed population and identifies the leading type of aberrations in this region.

RESULTS: Researches have shown that the main types of structural changes were chromatid breaks and single fragments of chromosomes. The results showed that in the study population, the microelement status indicates an imbalance of microelements. A correlation analysis showed a relationship between the nickel content in the blood and the increase in CAs. Furthermore, researches show a hypothesis about the pathogenesis mechanism of the formation of CAs.

CONCLUSION: Thus, the article provides information on chromosomal mutations during chemical mutagenesis.



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How to Cite

Sabirov Z, Namazbaeva Z, Battakova S, Otarbayeva M, Mukasheva M, Eshmagambetova A. Chemical Mutagenesis and Cytogenetic Chromosomal Abnormalities in a Population Living in the Aral Sea region. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2020 Oct. 7 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];8(E):544-50. Available from:



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