Exploring the Role of Fusobacterium nucleatum in Preterm Birth: A Narrative Review
Periodontal disease, Oral microbiome, Pregnancy, Pregnancy outcomes, Preterm birth, Fusobacterium NucleatumAbstract
In recent years, substantive attention has been drawn to the relationship between oral microbiome homeostatic equilibrium disruption and systemic health, demonstrating the negative impacts of this reciprocal biological interplay. Increasingly, there is a concern over the potential noxious effect of oral microbiome dysbiosis on obstetric poor outcomes, focusing on preterm birth. This epidemiological observation remains unexplained, although biologically plausible mechanism has been proposed. Intrauterine infection has long been associated with adverse pregnancy, when the elicitation of an immune response is determinant. There is evidence that Fusobacterium nucleatum (FN), a Gram-negative anaerobe ubiquitous in the oral cavity, infects the mouse placenta originating in the decidua basalis. Based on the current data in literature, we performed a review to provide resources for the explanation of the potential impact of microbiome dysbiosis on poor obstetric outcomes, focusing on the role of FN.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Biagio Rapone, Elisabetta Ferrara, Ilaria Converti, Matteo Loverro, Maria Teresa Loverro, Antonio Gnoni, Massimo Petruzzi, Massimo Corsalini, Salvatore Scacco, Edoardo Di Naro (Author)

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