Effect of Different Remineralizing Agents on White Spot Lesions
Caries, Casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate varnish, Diagnodent, Remineralization, Tricalcium phosphate varnishAbstract
AIM: This study evaluated the impact of two remineralizing agents containing casein phosphopeptide-amorphous calcium phosphate (CPP-ACP) and tricalcium phosphate (TCP) on white spot lesions.
MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 90 freshly extracted upper premolars were divided in three equal groups (30 each): Group A: Control group, Group B: Varnish containing CPP-ACP, and Group C: Varnish containing TCP. The teeth were subjected to Diagnodent test after inducing white spot lesions to assess any surface changes present on the teeth. The readings were repeated post-demineralization and post-remineralization.
RESULTS: Statistically significant difference was present in the mean values between the tested groups. CPP-ACP group recorded higher mean value at demineralization when compared to TCP group. Statistically significant difference (p < 0.00`01) was present between the baseline and the demineralization values. CPP-ACP group presented higher remineralization results when compared to TCP group. T-test proved a significant difference between the tested groups.
CONCLUSION: CPP-ACP containing varnish had higher remineralizing effect when compared to TCP containing varnish.
CLINICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Recently, the focus of restorative dentistry has been directed toward a conservative approach. Prevention and non-restorative treatment of initial enamel caries is the main concern. Remineralization procedures are the most preferred way of regeneration of lost tooth structure.
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