Serum Level of Uromodulin as an Early Predictor Marker of Kidney Disorders


  • Salwa Mostafa El-Shebini Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  • Hend A. Essa Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  • Maha I. A. Moaty Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  • Nihad H. Ahmed Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  • Ahmed M. S. Hussein Department of Food Technology, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  • Magda S. Mohamed Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt
  • Salwa T. Tapozada Department of Nutrition and Food Science, National Research Center, Cairo, Egypt



Dietary therapy, Herbs, Metabolic diseases, Obesity, Serum uromodulin, Whole grains


BACKGROUND: Metabolic diseases are known to be risk factors of kidney injury. The glycoprotein Uromodulin Tamm-Horsfall protein is a biochemical marker specifically synthesized and secreted by kidney tubular epithelial cells.

AIM: The study aimed to use novel biochemical parameters to predict early changes in renal functions and to use natural food supplements to help in the prevention and management of such conditions.

METHODS: Crossover studies comparing two interventions trials. Subjects: Seventy obese females were included in this study. They were divided in two groups, first group (34 women) with mean age 45.82 ± 1.51 and mean body mass index (BMI) 35.65 ± 0.68 kg/m2, and second group (36 women) with mean age 49.80 ± 2.27, and mean BMI 37.67 ± 1.59. Intervention: All participants have followed a low caloric balanced regimen (1000–1200 Kcal/day) of the each groups consumed a different specific nutritional supplement composed mainly of whole grains and herbs. All patients were monitored clinically, anthropometrically, dietary 24 h recall and biochemically.

RESULTS: After intervention all the recorded anthropometric parameters showed significant decreases at p ≤ 0.05–0.01. The serum uromodulin (sUMOD) increased significantly after intervention in both groups the increments were 15.56 and 9.37%. Numerically creatinine and urea decreased, while creatinine clearance increased.

CONCLUSION: Data revealed the importance of using dietary therapy composed of hypocaloric diet with supplements made from whole grains and special herbs in management of obesity and its metabolic disorders. sUMOD proved to be an accurate biochemical marker that showed the kidneys’ response to the management in comparison to using usual diagnostic markers.


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How to Cite

El-Shebini SM, Essa HA, Moaty MIA, Ahmed NH, Hussein AMS, Mohamed MS, Tapozada ST. Serum Level of Uromodulin as an Early Predictor Marker of Kidney Disorders. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(B):167-75. Available from: