“I Internalize Islamic Values”: Bachelor Nursing Students’ Perception and Experience of Professional Identity in Indonesia
final-year, professional identity, qualitative studyAbstract
BACKGROUND: Professional identity is the primary goal of nursing education institutions that shaped professional nurse’s identity. However, final-year bachelor nursing students’ perception and experience of professional identity remain limited to explore.
AIM: This study aims to analyze final-year bachelor nursing students’ perception and experience toward professional identity in Indonesia.
METHODS: A descriptive qualitative study with a drawing exercise was conducted with a convenience sample of final-year bachelor nursing students to explore how they viewed the nursing profession. Thirteen nursing students were recruited from four academic hospitals of Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Data were analyzed thematically using Colaizzi methods and NVivo 12 Plus.
RESULTS: The analysis showed five themes identified, namely, “Islamic nurse is my identity,” “I follow Islamic sharia,” “I internalize Islamic values,” “I practice professional roles,” and “I obey professional regulation.”
CONCLUSION: Nursing students perceived the identity of Islamic nurses into their identity. Developing a strong professional identity is essential for the students to enhance a sense of belonging and career choice in the nursing profession.
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