Phenomenology Study of Stunting Nutrition for Babies in the Work Area of Pante Kuyun Health Center, Aceh Jaya District


  • Amiruddin Amiruddin Department of Nursing, Ministry of Health Polytechnic of Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Bustami Bustami Department of Nursing, Ministry of Health Polytechnic of Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Anasril Anasril Department of Nursing, Ministry of Health Polytechnic of Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Tri Mulyono Herlambang Department of Nursing, Ministry of Health Polytechnic of Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Muhammad Husaini Department of Nursing, Ministry of Health Polytechnic of Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia
  • Sri Gustini Department of Nursing, Ministry of Health Polytechnic of Meulaboh, Aceh, Indonesia



Phenomenology study, Stunting nutrition, Babies


BACKGROUND: Stunting causes organs not to grow and develop optimally. One of the factors that indirectly influence stunting in children is the mother’s parenting style. Parenting includes the family’s ability to provide time, attention, and support in meeting the physical, mental and social needs of children growing in the family.

AIM: This is to find out the nutrition parenting patterns of children who are stunted in the working area of the Health Center Pante Kuyun, Aceh Jaya Regency.

METHODS: This study uses qualitative methods with a phenomenological approach. This research was conducted in the working area of Pante Kuyun Health Center, Aceh Jaya Regency. The research was carried out for 1 month, starting from August to September. The choice of research location was due to the high incidence of stunting in the area. The number of samples was determined 15 people consisting of 10 children under five who were stunted, two people as the head of the Health Center, and two community leaders from various elements. This study uses recording devices, video recording devices (camcorders), tape recorders, group discussion guidelines, and field notes. Data analysis techniques used in qualitative research include transcript analysis of interview results, data reduction, analysis, data interpretation, and triangulation.

RESULTS: Stunting is closely related to the social construction of society. There are differences in social constructs that shape the parenting styles’ understanding for toddlers who are stunted. During pregnancy, most mothers follow the restrictions recommended by their parents and in-laws. The number of taboo foods to be consumed during pregnancy to breastfeeding generally comes from the food group of animal protein sources such as squid, shrimp, crab, shellfish, and so on. These foods are believed to cause the, etc., become sticky, making it difficult for the delivery process, and milk is difficult to pass. It turns out that the customs, culture, and hereditary habits that continue to be carried out influence stunting in children under five. The pattern of nutrition parenting during the postpartum, postpartum period also causes stunting. During postpartum, the culture in society prohibits food other than white rice, and the fish is only anchovies. It turns out that the lack of intake during the postpartum period up to 40 days has an impact on the health of the postpartum, postpartum mother, especially only a little breast milk, dry skin, weakness, dizziness, and even sickness. Community beliefs also influence nutritional care patterns. For infants aged 0–6 months, none of the informants’ toddlers receive exclusive; breastfeeding. Exclusive breastfeeding is not given to children due to the mother’s lack of knowledge about exclusive breastfeeding benefits. The eating habit prioritizes elders’ advice such as parents, in-laws, and religious leaders are still related to myths about health and nutrition in pregnant women and toddlers. The pattern of nutrition parenting performed by mothers for infants >6 months is not under the Indonesian Ministry of Health recommendations. In the Aceh Jaya district, mothers habitually give instant noodles as a substitute for the rice to consume toddlers. However, their mothers also have parenting styles, whereas if the working mothers provide food for toddlers, they are older siblings, grandmothers, or nieces. Inadequate care, such as improper feeding from infancy to toddlerhood, causes toddlers to suffer from illness more often due to disruption of digestion because the baby’s intestines are still vulnerable.

CONCLUSION: Parenting affects toddlers who experience stunting in the working area of Pante Kuyun Community Health Center, Aceh Jaya Regency.


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How to Cite

Amiruddin A, Bustami B, Anasril A, Herlambang TM, Husaini M, Gustini S. Phenomenology Study of Stunting Nutrition for Babies in the Work Area of Pante Kuyun Health Center, Aceh Jaya District. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 May 11 [cited 2024 Apr. 19];9(B):462-7. Available from: