Differences in the Expression of β-Catenin Nucleus/Cytoplasm Ratio e-Cadherin and n-Cadherin and Correlation of β-Catenin Cytoplasm and Cadherin in Model of Duke D Stage Colorectal Cancer Cell Line


  • Winarko Winarko Doctoral Program, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Pudji Rahayu Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Djoko Soeatmadji Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Endocrinology and Metabolic, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia
  • Karyono Mintaroem Department of Pathology Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia




β-catenin, Colorectal cancer, E-cadherin, Fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate staining, N-cadherin


BACKGROUND: β-catenin has a critical role in the homeostasis processes. Wnt/β-catenin signaling mainly involved in the modulation of cancer cell development.

AIM: This research aimed to investigate the differences of β-catenin expression observed in the form of nucleus–cytoplasm ratio, the differences of E-cadherin and N-cadherin expressions, and the correlation between N-cadherin and E-cadherin and β-catenin cytoplasm in Dukes D stage colorectal cancer (CRC), which is an advanced stage and has experienced metastasis.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: This study followed an experimental research design. The processes of culture manufacturing and subculture preparation of Dukes D stage CRC cell line model were performed before the administration of β-catenin, E-cadherin, and N-cadherin antibodies. The next process was staining using fluorescein-5-isothiocyanate and rhodamine, and observations were performed using a confocal microscope. The number of cells was counted, and the intensity of antibody expression based on the arbitrary unit was measured.

RESULTS: There was a significant difference between the expression of β-catenin nucleus and cytoplasm expression (p = 0.00), as well as between E-cadherin expression and N-cadherin expression (p = 0.00). In addition, a correlation also existed between an increased N-cadherin expression and decreased E-cadherin expression and β-catenin cytoplasm in Dukes D stage CRC, but the results were not significant (p = 0.837 and p = 0.108).

CONCLUSION: In advanced-stage CRC (Dukes D), the Wnt signaling proved to be active and was characterized by a high expression of β-catenin nucleus, it activates the target gene. Similarly, at the Dukes D stage, N-cadherin expression increased whereas E-cadherin expression decreased in which causing the translocation of β-catenin into the nucleus.


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How to Cite

Winarko W, Rahayu P, Soeatmadji D, Mintaroem K. Differences in the Expression of β-Catenin Nucleus/Cytoplasm Ratio e-Cadherin and n-Cadherin and Correlation of β-Catenin Cytoplasm and Cadherin in Model of Duke D Stage Colorectal Cancer Cell Line. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Aug. 20 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(B):651-8. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/6140