Differences between Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Levels and Interleukin-2 Levels in people with schizophrenia who get risperidone drugs in the acute phase of treatment in the Prof. DR. M. Ildrem Psychiatric Hospital, Medan


  • Muhammad Hasbi Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • Bahagia Loebis Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia
  • Vita Camellia Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5774-3276
  • Elmeida Effendy Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan, Indonesia




Schizophrenia, Tumor necrosis factor-α levels, Interleukin-2 levels, Acute phase of treatment


Background: We looked for differences between Tumor Necrosis Factor – Alpha and Interleukin-2 levels in people with schizophrenia who got risperidone medication in the acute phase of treatment at Prof.DR.M.Ildrem psychiatric hospital Medan. Methods: We conducted a cross-sectional study that included 40 subjects. This study is a numerical comparative analytical study not paired with a single measurement with subject retrieval performed in a non-probability sampling method of consecutive sampling type. Results: The analysis test results showed Median levels of TNF-α in the group of people with schizophrenia were obtained at 3.40 with a minimum score of 0.65 and with a maximum score of 43.8 while in the healthy control group the median score of TNF-α levels was 14.75 with a minimum score of 5.18 and a maximum score of 31.1. The average IL-2 level in people with schizophrenia was found at 5.26 with a standard deviation of ±0.987 and at the control was obtained at 3.43 with a standard deviation ± 0.665. Conclusions: There is a significant difference in TNF-α levels between groups of people with schizophrenia who get risperidone 4 mg in the acute phase of treatment and control. There was a significant difference between IL-2 levels between people with schizophrenia who got risperidone 4 mg in the acute phase of treatment and control.


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How to Cite

Hasbi M, Loebis B, Camellia V, Effendy E. Differences between Tumor Necrosis Factor-Alpha Levels and Interleukin-2 Levels in people with schizophrenia who get risperidone drugs in the acute phase of treatment in the Prof. DR. M. Ildrem Psychiatric Hospital, Medan. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 16 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(T3):232-6. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/6316