Micronutrient Content and Total Lactic Acid Bacteria of Dadiah Pudding as Food Supplementation for Pregnant Women
Dadiah pudding, Micronutrients, Lactic acid bacteria, Pregnant women, ProbioticAbstract
BACKGROUND: Dadiah, traditional yogurt from Indonesia, which is known as a source of probiotics, also contains micronutrients.
AIM: This descriptive study aimed to determine whether additional ingredients and processes during the manufacture of Dadiah pudding maintain the iron, zinc, calcium, and total lactic acid bacteria (LAB) contents.
METHODS: Dadiah pudding was made using Dadiah originated from Bukittinggi, West Sumatra. Micronutrient levels were analyzed according to Indonesian National Standard 01-2896-1998. The total LAB were counted by inoculating samples on Man, Rogosa, and Sharpe agar with serial dilution, and morphological identification was carried out using gram stain.
RESULTS: In 100 g of original Dadiah, mango and chocolate Dadiah pudding contained 347.98, 276.61, and 279.29 mg of calcium; 4.87, 3.75, and 6.31 mg of zinc; 6.53, 6.60, and 9.39 mg of iron; and 6.4 × 10⁹, 6.1 × 10⁹, and 2.4 × 10⁹ CFU/ml LAB, respectively.
CONCLUSION: This study found that modifying the original Dadiah into Dadiah pudding has been proved to affect the concentration of calcium, zinc, and iron and to maintain total LAB. We suggest that consuming Dadiah pudding may be a good choice as a food supplementation for pregnant women to optimize the golden period outcomes.Downloads
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