Factors Related to the Utilization of the Integrated Development Posts of Non-Communicable Diseases (POSBINDU PTM) in Bulili Health Centre Area
Cadre, Non-communicable diseases, Utilization, POSBINDU-PTMAbstract
BACKGROUND: Non-Communicable Diseases (NCD) are a chronic disease that causes many deaths globally, which is under serious attention by putting in NCD as one target of the Sustainable Development Goals of 2030. An effort in overcoming NCD in Indonesia is through the Integrated Development Post of NCDs (POSBINDU-PTM). Based on a preliminary study at the Bulili Health Center (PUSKESMAS Bulili), it was found that there was a lack of utilization of POSBINDU-PTM such as less role of cadres, lack of health counseling, lack of coordination between cadres and health center (PUSKESMAS) officers, lack of commitment from health center as a coaching team, lack of cross-sector collaboration with POSBINDU programs, and the community not being motivated to be cadres.
AIM: This study aimed to determine the factors related to the utilization of POSBINDU-PTM in the working area of the Bulili Health Center, Palu City.
METHOD: It was quantitative research with an analytical survey design using a cross-sectional design. The sample was all people in the South Birobuli and Petobo villages of 100 people. The data collected are the characteristics of respondents, and knowledge, access to POSBINDU-PTM, facilities and infrastructure, health cadres support, health officer support, and family support toward the utilization of POSBINDU-PTM. Data analysis with the Chi-square test with a significance level of p < 0.05.
RESULTS: The results of this study indicated a relationship between knowledge (p = 0.005), access (p = 0.000), facilities and Infrastructure (p = 0.000), health cadre support (p = 0.000), health center officer support (p = 0.000), and family support (p = 0.000) by utilizing POSBINDU-PTM under the work area of the Bulili Health Center, Palu City.
CONCLUSION: The utilization of POSBINDU-PTM is still very low only 22%. All factors in this study (knowledge, Access, Facilities and Infrastructure, Health Cadre Support, Health Center Officer Support, and Family Support) have a significant correlation to Utilizing POSBINDU-PTM.Downloads
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