The Effect of Spiritual-Based Holistic Integrative Early Childhood Education on Stunting Prevention


  • Sherly Jeniawaty Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Surabaya, Indonesia
  • Queen Khoirun Nisa Mairo Department of Midwifery, Health Polytechnic, Ministry of Health, Surabaya, Indonesia



Application of spiritual HI ECD, Prevention of stunting, Holistic, Integrative, Education, Spiritual


The result of Health Research (Riskesdas) in 2018 showed a decrease in the prevalence of stunting at the national average of 6.4% over a period of 5 years, ie from 37.2% (2013) to 30.8% (2018). Meanwhile, for toddlers with normal status , there was an increase from 48.6% (2013) . to 57.8% (2018). Other provinces have high and very high dominant cases, around 30% to 40%. The problem of stunting is a threat to Indonesia, because stunting children are not only affected by physical growth but also brain growth. The effect is that human resources will become unproductive which will disrupt the country's progress.

The phenomenon of the incidence of stunting in children under five and under five in Indonesia is not a new thing. The role and involvement of early childhood education in dealing with stunting prevention in children in Indonesia can be done through the optimal implementation of Holistic Integrative (HI) -based PAUD . In the health and nutrition service dimension in the HI program, the PAUD Unit requires partnerships with various partners, one of which is the closest medical personnel. The typical programs that can be carried out in this dimension vary. For this reason, researchers are interested in researching the application of spiritual-based Integrative Holistic PAUD to preventing stunting in the city of Surabaya. The purpose of this study is to analyze the application of spiritual-based Integrative Holistic PAUD to preventing stunting in the city of Surabaya.

In this study, a sequential mixed methods strategy was used, especially a sequential explanatory strategy. So, the first stage was conducting interviews and then analyzing qualitative data using 13 respondents. Namely, knowing whether the HI PAUD program is implemented in PAUD to answer the second problem formulation. The second stage of this research is quantitative with 45 samples of PAUD / Kindergarten General and 45 samples of PAUD / RA. This second stage research uses comparative test analysis. The sample selection was carried out using purposive sampling technique, the test used in this study was the One Way ANOVA test. The results of the qualitative first stage research related to the implementation of Spiritual-based HI ECD towards stunting prevention obtained 5 themes, namely knowledge, response, social support, perception and intention to carry out. The results of the second stage study the effect of Spiritual-based HI ECD on stunting prevention with p <0.005 (0.014). The population in this study was PAUD in the city of Surabaya and the sample was part of the PAUD in the city of Surabaya. The results of this study are expected to be taken into consideration to overcome problems related to the stunting reduction program policy and the prevention of stunting.



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How to Cite

Jeniawaty S, Mairo QKN. The Effect of Spiritual-Based Holistic Integrative Early Childhood Education on Stunting Prevention. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Jun. 27 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];10(E):1548-55. Available from:



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