Family Attitudes and Behavior toward Tuberculosis Prevention in the Lembang Health Center Area, West Sulawesi, Indonesia


  • Muzakkir Muzakkir Nursing Study Program, Nani Hasanuddin College of Health Sciences, Makassar, Indonesia
  • Hermin Husaeni Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of West Sulawesi, Majene, Indonesia
  • Ika Muzdaliah Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of West Sulawesi, Majene, Indonesia
  • Nurul Annisa Nursing Study Program, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of West Sulawesi, Majene, Indonesia



Attitude, Behavior, Tuberculosis, Prevention


BACKGROUND: People mostly have the perception that tuberculosis is an unexpected disease to occur because it greatly hinders family development. The existence of this disease tends to break social interaction. This perception will affect the attitudes and behavior of those who will prevent this disease from occurring in their families and environment.

AIM: This study aimed to determine the correlation between family attitudes and behavior with efforts to prevent infectious tuberculosis disease in the work area of Lembang Public Health, Majene, West Sulawesi.

METHODS: This quantitative research was conducted through a cross-sectional approach. Based on total sampling, as many as 31 respondents who were part of families with tuberculosis were involved as samples.

RESULTS: The bivariate analysis with the Chi-square test showed that the correlation between attitudes and TB prevention had a p = 0.301 (⍺ = 0.05). Then, the correlation of behavior with TB prevention had a p = 0.413 (⍺ = 0.05).

CONCLUSION: Thus, no significant correlation was identified between family attitudes and behavior toward tuberculosis prevention.


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How to Cite

Muzakkir M, Husaeni H, Muzdaliah I, Annisa N. Family Attitudes and Behavior toward Tuberculosis Prevention in the Lembang Health Center Area, West Sulawesi, Indonesia. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 15 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(E):1491-4. Available from:



Public Health Disease Control
