The Effect of Lead Exposure through Drinking Water on Symptoms of Nervous System Disorders in Communities Around Pasir Sembung Landfill Cianjur, Indonesia, 2020


  • Budi Hartono Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia
  • R. Siti Mardiyanti Pratiwi Department of Environmental Health, Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia, West Java, Indonesia



Lead, Nervous system, Landfill, Drinking water


The nervous system is the system most sensitive to lead (Pb) toxicity, although the poisoning process occurs over a long period of time with a small absorption rate. Lead is a heavy metal that has toxic properties that can contaminate food, drinks, air and water. Lead exposure to the human body can go through various routes, one of which is ingestion. Lead in the environment can come naturally as well as from the results of human activities, one of which is leachate produced from waste that is not managed properly so that the leachate can pollute the environment around the landfill, especially ground water.

This study aims to analyze the effect of intake of lead exposure through drinking water on the symptoms of nervous system disorders in the community around Pasir Sembung Landfill, Cianjur, Indonesia on 2020. This study used a cross sectional study design. The research sample consisted of 86 people who live in the ring around the landfill. Data collection was carried out by interview using a questionnaire and water sampling at 20 wells. The results showed that there was an influence between the intake of lead exposure through drinking water on symptoms of nervous system disorders (p value = 0.035; OR = 3.150). Based on these results, it is necessary to take quick steps and proper management efforts from the Cianjur Regency Government and the Pasir Sembung Landfill and related stakeholders in order to reduce the risk of health problems to the people living around the landfill.


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How to Cite

Hartono B, Pratiwi RSM. The Effect of Lead Exposure through Drinking Water on Symptoms of Nervous System Disorders in Communities Around Pasir Sembung Landfill Cianjur, Indonesia, 2020. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 28 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(E):1413-7. Available from:



Public Health Disease Control


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