Naturally Acquired Lactic Acid Bacteria from Fermented Cassava Improves Nutrient and Anti-dysbiosis Activity of Soy Tempeh
Diabetes mellitus, Lactic acid bacteria, Tempeh, Gut microbiota, Short-chain fatty acidsAbstract
Introduction: Gut microbiota dysbiosis indicated by increased gram-negative bacteria and reduced Firmicutes-producing short chain fatty acids bacteria has been linked with impairment in glucose metabolism. Tempeh is traditional fermented soy food that can stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria. In Indonesia, some tempeh was produced by adding acidifier that contains lactic acid bacteria. This process may impact the nutrient and anti-dysbiosis activity of tempeh.
Objectives: To evaluate the impact of acidifier on nutrient and gut microbiota profile of diabetic animal model.
Method: Modified tempeh was made by addition of water extract of fermented cassava. Standard and modified tempeh were subjected to proximate analysis and dietary fibre. Diabetic animals were received standard tempeh or modified tempeh diet replacing 15% and 30% of protein in the diet for 4 weeks of intervention. At the end of experiment, caecal content was collected. Short chain fatty acids and microbiota composition were analysed using 16s rDNA next generation sequencing (NGS).
Result: There is significant different (p<0.05) on fat, protein, water and dietary fibre content between regular soy tempeh and modified tempeh. There is significant different (p<0.05) on serum glucose and short chain fatty acid composition among group. Diabetic animal has low ratio of Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes. Supplementation of both tempeh increased bacterial diversity, Firmicutes /Bacteroidetes ratio and short chain fatty acids producing bacteria.
Conclusion: Addition of naturally occurred lactic acid bacteria from fermented cassava during tempeh processing improved both nutrient and microbiota composition in the gut of diabetes mellitus.
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