Culture versus Technology: Bridging the Gap to Improve COVID-19 Prevention and Care based on the COVID-19 Task Force Perspectives
Culture, Coronavirus disease-19, Indonesia, Information technology, Task forceAbstract
BACKGROUND: The diversity of Indonesians’ cultural backgrounds is a challenge for Indonesia’s coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 Task Force efforts to prevent COVID-19. The “infodemic” or misleading information in the community generates both positive and negative responses toward COVID-19.
AIM: The study aims to explore the extent of Indonesia’s COVID-19 prevention and care efforts based on the perspective of the COVID-19 Task Force officers, as the frontline in society.
METHODS: This descriptive qualitative study explored the extent of COVID-19 prevention and care based on the perspective of 16 COVID-19 Task Force participants from each region in Sumedang, Indonesia. Data collection was undertaken during the pandemic through semi-structured interviews using telephone (n = 13) and face-to-face (n = 3) approaches.
RESULTS: Four themes emerged: community sentiment toward COVID-19, origin of COVID-19 in the region, collective cultural activities in local communities, and the use of information and communication technology related to COVID-19.
CONCLUSION: Collaboration with religious leaders and community leaders to integrate the concept of cultural care with the use of technology can be developed to improve COVID-19 prevention and care.Downloads
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