Determinants of COVID-19 Prevention Behavior in School Students - A Cross-sectional Study
Determinant, Behavior, Coronavirus disease-19, PreventionAbstract
Background: The status of global pandemic that has been going on for more than one year has forced countries around the world to adopt new habitual adaptations, including Indonesia. The application of new norm adjustments is applied in all areas that intersect with the public, such as public transportation, places of worship, offices, supermarkets, inns and restaurants. Control of the spread of Covid-19 is carried out by the government with various efforts so its spread can be controlled but in reality on the ground it is increasingly rampant, controlling the spread of Covid-19 can be successful if the entire community participates in taking precautions for its spread. Aims: Research objective was to determine the relationship between knowledge, attitude and behavior of SMKN I students in efforts to prevent Covid-19.
Methods: The type of this research was processed using descriptive correlative method which described the relationship between knowledge, attitude and behavior of students in efforts to prevent Covid-19. The population in this research were students that majoring in Pharmacy and Computer and Network Engineering Departments of SMKN 1 Garut, the sample was using total sampling technique as many as 160 respondents, the instrument in this research was questionnaire. Data analysis used chi-square.
Results: The result showed that the level of students' knowledge about the efforts to prevent Covid-19 was in the sufficient category (72%). Most of the students' attitude about the prevention of Covid-19 was in the sufficient category (74%). Most of the sufferers' behavior regarding the prevention of Covid-19 was in the good category (79%). Based on the result of statistical tests using Chi Square, the result showed that there was a relationship between students' knowledge and behavior in efforts to prevent Covid-19 (p value = 0.63) and there was a relationship between students' attitude and behavior in efforts to prevent Covid-19 (p value = 0.83). The conclusion was that there was a relationship between knowledge, attitude and behavior of students in efforts to prevent Covid-19.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Nina Sumarni, Laili Rahayuwati, Dadang Purnama, Udin Rosidin, Iwan Shalahuddin, Iwan Suhendar (Author)
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