The Ethical Philosophic Dimension of Responsibility in Mitigating the COVID-19 Disaster in Indonesia


  • Sigit Sapto Nugroho Faculty of Law, Universitas Merdeka Madiun, Java, Indonesia
  • Sarjiyati Sarjiyati Faculty of Law, Universitas Merdeka Madiun, Java, Indonesia
  • Anik Tri Haryani Faculty of Law, Universitas Merdeka Madiun, Java, Indonesia
  • Yuni Purwati Faculty of Law, Universitas Merdeka Madiun, Java, Indonesia
  • Arief Budiono Faculty of Law, Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta, Surakarta, Indonesia
  • Heru Kuswanto Faculty of Law, Universitas Narotama, Surabaya, Indonesia



COVID-19, Disaster mitigation, Levinas, Philosophy, Responsibility


The coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic is a global disaster and every country makes efforts to mitigate it. There needs to be a gradual rise of awareness on the ethics of responsibility to others in the form of a sense of solidarity and togetherness. Philosopher Emmanuel Levinas stated that the basic facts in his philosophy were other people. Therefore, his philosophy is the ethics of responsibility toward others. COVID-19 deserves to be a momentum to reflect on Levinas’ philosophy, by reaffirming responsibility toward others as an ethical fact in mitigating the COVID-19 disaster in Indonesia.


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How to Cite

Nugroho SS, Sarjiyati S, Haryani AT, Purwati Y, Budiono A, Kuswanto H. The Ethical Philosophic Dimension of Responsibility in Mitigating the COVID-19 Disaster in Indonesia. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 26 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(E):1-5. Available from:



Public Health Epidemiology
