Levels and Predictors of COVID-19-Related Anxiety in Older Adults


  • Lina Mahmoud Ashour Department of Counseling Psychology, Philadelphia University, Amman, Jordan




Anxiety, Coping strategy, Coronavirus disease 2019, Depression, Older population, Stress


BACKGROUND: Prolonged quarantine during the COVID-19 outbreak is a stressful factor.

AIM: This study aims to analyze the psycho-emotional state of Jordan’s older population during the Covid-19 pandemic.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study on 620 older adults (mean age, 66.4±5.3 years) was conducted in 2020 in Amman (Jordan). All respondents were asked to complete an online survey on coping strategies, a HUDS questionnaire, and a specially designed questionnaire.

RESULTS: The dominant predictors of stress were uncertainty (62%) and a fear other family members getting ill (60%). Of all the respondents, 15% agreed with the necessity to prolong the quarantine period, 47% had a neutral attitude, and 38% exhibited a negative attitude. High levels of anxiety in older population were associated with the lower use of humor (H=11.498, p≤0.002). On the other hand, such respondents demonstrated the higher use of planning (H=6.227, p≤0.039), venting (H=11.087, p≤0.004), avoidance (H=7.457, p≤0.019), and active coping (H=6.043, p≤0.037).

CONCLUSIONS: Most of Covid-19 cases are registered in healthcare institutions and for that reason, there is a need to provide psychiatric care to medical workers who do not have the necessary experience in this area. This may also require the state to promote psychiatric care training.


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How to Cite

Ashour LM. Levels and Predictors of COVID-19-Related Anxiety in Older Adults. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 1 [cited 2024 Jul. 27];10(B):18-25. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/7724