Correlation Learning Style with Grade Point Average Fourth Year Medical Student




Learning style, medical students, grade point average


BACKGROUND: Learning achievement is an important indicator to determine the learning and teaching process, each student has a different learning style. Student learning learns how they choose the suitable method and the results obtained optimally. A student must also learn their learning styles to choose methods or ways of learning that are appropriate to their character.

AIM: Knowing the relationship between learning style and cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 4th-year students at the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Baiturrahmah.

METHODS: The scope of this research covers the fields of medical science, especially medical education, correlative analytical research with cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at the Medical Faculty Universitas Baiturrahma. The study was conducted from May to January 2019. The affordable population in this study were 4th-year students numbered 80 students with the Simple Random Sampling technique. Data analysis was univariately presented in the form of a frequency distribution table and bivariate analysis using the correlation test using the SPSS program.

RESULTS: At most with female gender, namely (71.3%), the highest place is at most boarding, namely (77.5%), most have quad-model learning styles, namely (80%), most have a GPA graduated that is (61.3%), there is a relationship between the learning style and the GPA of 4th-year medical students with a value of p = 0.024 (p < 0.05) and r = 0.0253.

CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that the 4th-year medical students have the most female sex, the most places to live are boarding, quad-model learning style, and there is a correlation between learning styles and the 4th year GPA Medicine at Universitas Baiturrahmah.


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How to Cite

Akbar RR, Nasution ES. Correlation Learning Style with Grade Point Average Fourth Year Medical Student. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Nov. 24 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(T3):358-61. Available from: