Factors Associated with Iron Deficiency in Elementary School Children
Iron deficiency, Children characteristics, StuntingAbstract
BACKGROUND: Iron deficiency is the leading cause of iron deficiency anemia and is a health problem for children in developing countries. School-age children are susceptible to iron deficiency because children’s growth and development require iron. Although iron is needed for children’s growth and development, iron also plays a role in cognitive function. Many factors cause iron deficiency in children.
AIM: This study aims to determine the most dominant factor causing iron deficiency in elementary school children.
METHODS: The design of this study was case-control, with a sample of elementary school children aged 9–12 years in the Tuah Negeri Subdistrict. After examining the serum iron, children were grouped into two groups, namely, iron deficiency and normal. Each group consists of 85 children, and the total sample is 170 children. Measurement of serum iron levels was done by spectrophotometric method, while data on children’s characteristics were obtained through questionnaires. In addition, nutritional status measurements were also carried out to determine whether the child was stunted, measurements based on TB/U, and Z-score was calculated using Anthro 1.02 software. Finally, the data were analyzed by univariate, bivariate, and multivariate using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 22.
RESULTS: Based on the child characteristics data, 60% of children aged >10–12 years, 54.1% were female, and 23.5% of children were stunted. Data on the characteristics of parents obtained 67.6% of mothers and 74.1% of fathers with low education; 84.1% of mothers and 55.3% of fathers work as farmers, and 54.7% have low economic status. Bivariate results showed that two characteristic variables, namely, economic status (p = 0.003) and nutritional status (p < 0.001), were significantly related to the incidence of iron deficiency in children. The results of multivariate analysis showed that children with low economic status were at risk of 2.361 times (p = 0.011) of having an iron deficiency while stunting children were at risk of 6.785 times (p < 0.001) of having iron deficiency.
CONCLUSION: Stunting is the dominant factor associated with iron deficiency in elementary school children in Tuah Negeri Sub-district.Downloads
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