Microhardness and Fracture Resistance of Radicular Dentin Treated with Different Concentrations of Calcium Hydroxide in Endodontic Regeneration Procedures


  • Sara N. Hashem Department of Pedodontics and Oral Health, Alazhar University for Girls, Cairo, Egypt https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8611-7650
  • Maha Adel Elhousiny Department of Endodontics, Alazhar University for Girls, Cairo, Egypt




Revascularization, Calcium hydroxide, Microhardness, Fracture resistance, Radicular dentin


Purpose: to reveal the effect of different concentrations of prepared calcium hydroxide pastes (70%, 50%, and 30%) used in regenerative endodontic on microhardness and fracture resistance of radicular dentin. Material and methods: Different concentrations of calcium hydroxide (Ca(OH)2) were prepared with measured pH, then forty eight single rooted teeth were prepared and randomized into three groups according to Ca(OH)2 paste concentrations (12 samples each) and 12 samples were availed as control group. Group I: root canal contained 30% Ca(OH)2 paste. Group II: root canal contained 50% Ca(OH)2 paste. Group III: root canal contained 70% Ca(OH)2 paste. Samples were stored at 37 0C with 100% humidity for four weeks for subsequent microhardness and fracture resistance tests. Results: There was a statistically significant reduction of microhardness  and fracture resistance between test groups and control group (P≤ 0.05), group III showed a  significant reduction  in both microhardness and fracture resistance compared to group I. However, there was no significant difference in pH between different concentration of Ca(OH)2. Conclusion: Increasing concentration of Ca(OH)2 paste can negatively affect microhardness and fracture resistance of radicular dentin in revascularization procedure.


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How to Cite

Hashem SN, Elhousiny MA. Microhardness and Fracture Resistance of Radicular Dentin Treated with Different Concentrations of Calcium Hydroxide in Endodontic Regeneration Procedures. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2021 Dec. 23 [cited 2025 Feb. 22];9(D):324-9. Available from: https://oamjms.eu/index.php/mjms/article/view/7803



Dental Pathology and Endodontics
