The Effect of Deep Breath Relaxation and Roasted Garlic Consumption on the Blood Pressure decrease in the Pressure of Elderly Hypertension


  • Susmadi Susmadi Departement of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Anna Sunita Departement of Nursing, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia
  • Gurid Pramintarto Eko Mulyo Departement of Nutrition, Poltekkes Kemenkes Bandung, Bandung, Indonesia



Deep breath relaxation, Roasted garlic, Hypertension


Background Patients with hypertension are estimated to reach 1 billion globally, where 972 million (26%) of the adults in the world suffer from hypertension. Predicted by 2025, about 29% of adults worldwide suffer from hypertension, and two-thirds of them are in developing countries. Increased blood pressure that takes place in a long time can cause damage to the kidneys, heart, and brain when not detected early and received adequate treatment. The intervention of hypertension is still constrained in chemical drug pharmacological therapy. For non-pharmacological or complementary treatment such as deep breath relaxation and roasted garlic, consumption is already known in the community but not maximized utilized. Hence, a combination of this intervention needs to be developed to assess the effect of synergies.

Methods: The study was conducted in the west Bogor district with samples of 34 Pre-elderly and elderly respondents. Design of pre-experiment One Group Pre-Post Test Design by working combination intervention. Analysis of T-dependent tests and simple linear regression correlation.

Results and Conclusions: There is an influence of combination intervention on the second measurement of the day of intervention of the Systolic blood pressure (P-Value 0.006), a mean of 6.56 mmHg decrease, against diastole blood pressure (P-Value Vauile) is disclosed difference of 3.82 mmHg. In the post-intervention measurement of the Systolic blood pressure (P-Value 0.000) is a mean 8.86 mmHg, of diastole blood pressure not the influence (P-Value 0.103) with a decrease of 2.60 mmHg, there is an age correlation to the average of the decision of blood pressure of the system of the Systole (P-Value 0.006) shows the relationship and patterned positive. They recommended research results to alternative, complementary therapy effectively lowering blood pressure in the community.


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How to Cite

Susmadi S, Sunita A, Mulyo GPE. The Effect of Deep Breath Relaxation and Roasted Garlic Consumption on the Blood Pressure decrease in the Pressure of Elderly Hypertension. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 2 [cited 2025 Feb. 21];10(G):80-5. Available from:



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