Socio-demographic and Behavioral Factors Relationship with Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Case-control Study


  • Rafiah Maharani Department of Public Health, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
  • Ulya Qoulan Karima Department of Public Health, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Depok, West Java, Indonesia
  • Kamilia Kamilia Department of Public Health, University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Jakarta, Depok, West Java, Indonesia



Pulmonary tuberculosis, Socio-demography, Behavioral disorders, A case-control study


BACKGROUND: Pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) is still a world health problem, especially in Indonesia. The prevalence of pulmonary TB has increased from 2013 to 2018. One of the factors that play a role in the spread of pulmonary TB is socio-demographic and behavioral factors.

AIM: This study aims to determine the influence of behavioral and social demographics on the incidence of pulmonary TB.

METHODS: The design of this study used a case-control study design to determine the relationship between socio-demographic factors and behavioral factors with the dependent variable, namely the incidence of pulmonary TB. The sample size of cases with controls is 1:1, cases consist of 60 respondents and controls 60 respondents. Data analysis using univariate, bivariate (chi-square), and multivariate (multiple logistic regression) analysis with alpha= 0.05.

RESULTS: The socio-demographic factors associated with pulmonary TB are family income, employment status, and nutritional status. Behavioral factors that are related are knowledge, attitude, smoking, and history of contact with TB patients. The dominant factor that is most related to pulmonary TB is the behavioral factor, namely the knowledge variable p ≤ 0.001 odds ratio = 2.899 (95% CI 2.475–2.981).

CONCLUSION: It is suggested that it is important to increase public knowledge about pulmonary TB with the participation of health workers and health cadres by providing information and education about the prevention of pulmonary TB in the community.


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How to Cite

Maharani R, Karima UQ, Kamilia K. Socio-demographic and Behavioral Factors Relationship with Pulmonary Tuberculosis: A Case-control Study. Open Access Maced J Med Sci [Internet]. 2022 Jan. 17 [cited 2025 Feb. 12];10(E):130-5. Available from:



Public Health Epidemiology
