Differences in Health Literacy of Older Adults According to Sociodemographic Characteristics
Health literacy, Older adults, Health promotion, Health educationAbstract
BACKGROUND: The research is based on the concept of health literacy. This is the “sixth vital sign” to navigating the healthcare system and raising self-efficacy in the field of healthcare.
AIM: The study aim was to present the health literacy of the elderly in the Savinja statistical region in Slovenia.
METHODS: The study was based on a non-experimental quantitative research approach. The study included 199 elderly people aged 65 and more, without the presence of dementia. The data were collected using the Health Literacy and Montreal Cognitive Assessment questionnaire. We used a non-random, convenience sampling.
RESULTS: We established that in the study population, 64.8 % of the population was below the level of acceptable general health literacy, whereas only 3.5 % of this population had an excellent level of health literacy. Statistically significant differences in the level of health literacy are shown in the field of healthcare treatment in older adults living with their families (F = 5,198; p ˂ 0,001). Respondents who engaged in activities in day care centres also had a higher level of health literacy (t = 3,738; p < 0,001). People with low health literacy, who use health services more frequently, should be given access to health education, based on individual presentation of contents, supported by andragogical knowledge.
CONCLUSION: The health literacy of older adults is the basis for their greater care for their own health and a better quality of life.
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