Clean Water Supply as an Indicator for Healthy Island in Makassar City
Clean water, Indicators, Healthy IslandAbstract
BACKGROUND: Concepts and indicator for a healthy island have existed and are widely used in developed countries. In the context of developing countries, in which the environmental, social, economic, and culture were in contrast with developed countries, these healthy island concepts cannot be simply applied. Moreover, there were still no indicators for a healthy island in Indonesia. Indonesia still conforms to the Healthy Regency/City indicator.
AIM: This research aims to identify the provision of clean water as an indicator for a healthy island.
METHODS: This research was descriptive research using the qualitative method. Data collection was done by in-depth interviews, participation observation, and secondary data from sub-health centers and data from urban villages in the islands. The number of informants was five persons.
RESULTS: This study found that the provision of clean water is an indicator of a healthy island by looking at three aspects of clean water sources, water reservoirs, and drinking water treatment. The source of clean water in the archipelago is drilled well water. Tub, drums, and bucket are used as the water container. Treatment of drinking water by cooking using water from the Regional Drinking Water Company (PDAM) purchased from the city as well as drinking water from processed saltwater into freshwater using special tools stored in gallons and then selling it to people in the archipelago.
CONCLUSION: There needs to be a policy that governs the necessity of a steady supply of clean water in the archipelagic area, even though in several areas there are many methods to meet the demand for clean water in archipelagic areas.Downloads
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